Monday, October 29, 2012

Florence, Saturday

With almost 20 people in the hostile, it was a slow morning waiting on a chance to shower and get ready, but we managed and finally headed out at 11:30 or so. It was rainy yesterday and it had really taken a toll on her $5 wal-mart shoes that she bought before her trip even started, it was time for some new shoes. There is a little store that reminds me of Payless, european style. Not the best quality, but good prices and decent shoes. After sorting through a lot of options of super cute shoes, she settled on a nice black pair for only 15euros, not too shabby! We had skipped breakfast and by now we were getting pretty hungry. After being denied (and getting a little concerned) by 2 ATM's we finally found one that worked for us and we stopped at a little cafe and had some great chicken Kebops. SOOOO yummy! Basically it was lettace, tomatoes, onions, a spicy tomato sauce, some steak fries, and delicious chicken that was cooked like they cook the pork, or lamb on the big turning cooker, and then shaved off with a meat shaver. So good!

After that we waited in line for probably 45 min to get into the Uffizi Museum. Of course I don't have pictures,they aren't allowed. I felt the same today as I had yesterday. I actually stood directly in front of amazing art that was created as far back as the 1300's! I mean, that is just mind boggling to me! I will admit that some of the art I really don't care for as far as style etc, but there is no denying that being there and actually seeing first hand these works was truly an experience I will never forget! I loved seeing the different styles, and skill levels. I appreciated the advancement of art and understanding of perspective, and color theory over the years. It was also neat to have Ashley by my side explaining this picture or that style from what she learned in art history. It was great so share the experience together!

Aside from the art, the building itself was cool to be in. I started noticing on the descriptions of the art that some of them had mentioned the year that the piece came to the museum. The museum itself has been here since early 1800's if I could gather correctly. Just being in a building that old is such a cool experience for me. Those who really know me, know how much things like that mean to me. The ceilings, with their massive wood beams strapped together, the plasters on the walls, the architecture of the domes and archways, and the windows all just spoke to me and I loved it!

We spent a few hours there and then enjoyed our stroll back to the hostel.   We decided to go out to eat and decided we had to stop at a little cafe called "The Black Bar". I'm not sure why it was called that because it wasn't a bar, and no one was black. They did have amazing pizza!! We have decided that when we have home made pizza at home we are going to do it totally different then we have in the past! One of the best ones we had tonight had some meat on it that I'm pretty positive was tuna, but Ashley thinks it was chicken. Either way, yum!

The pictures below are of various days here in Florence, not necisarily today, but since some people only like to look at pictures and don't like reading, I thought I'd please the masses :)

I'm soo tired and we are checking out tomorrow and heading to Rome!

 Love to everyone at home!!

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