The other evening we decided to get some food from a little restaurant just down the street. We were going to get it to go, but the waiter talked us into just sitting down and eating it there. He was a friendly waiter, most of the people here have been pretty friendly. We were at a table that was right in the pathway as he went from table to table and he usually made a little comment as he went by. It became very clear that he was being a flirt and asked if I would share some wine with him later. I told him I wasn't interested and then said I didn't think my husband would be interested in that either, pointing to my ring. He chuckled and went about his business. The next time he came by he asked where my husband was. Without skipping a beat I put my hand to my heart and said "He's right here." With a couple of other short exchanges we ate our pizza and left as quickly as we could.
I have thought a lot about that conversation since then and just wanted to post some of my feelings. My intention is not to bring attention to the fact that some italian waiter that probably flirts with any woman that comes in tried to pick me up, but to share where my heart is. In every thing that we have done and every amazing thing we have seen, my heart is still at home. I think about my Superman and my amazing kids that are dealing with "normal life" back home constantly. I am constantly thinking "If Phil were here...." or "Ohh! (fill in any of my kid's names here) would love that!" My heart is so full of love for all of you at home and it's sad to me that the waiter doesn't have a heart full of family like I do.
This is the first time I have ever been out of the US other than when I was a little girl and we went to Canada to visit my grandparents. It has been so amazing to experience new things and meet new people. Seeing parts of the world that I never imagined I would see has changed me. I'm so excited for the time when I can go on another adventure with Phil by my side, or one of my other kids as my travel buddy! I am so excited to see the things we have planned to see, but I'm also so excited to come home and BE THERE in every sense of the word. I have seen the lives of a lot of people out here, and I would not want to trade with any of them. My life at home is not perfect, I'm convinced that there is no such thing. My life at home is perfect for me though, with all of it's up's and down's. Each of my children are so amazing and unique and simply perfectly mine! I love each one of you at home and while there is so much out in the world to discover and learn about, all I ever need is waiting at home for me. Thank you all for supporting me in this trip and encouraging me to go. We all know I would not have come if I didn't have full support and even nudging from all of you. Thank you so much for loving me enough to let me do this knowing you are all supporting me the best that you can.
I miss you all, I love you all. Hang in there, before you know it we will all be back together and ready for the holidays! Woot!
We Love you!!